Hooray! We've just done another event, moving forward from the first one, but this time was in Bandung. The event was held in 2 days; Day 1 was the travel-blogging workshop, and Day 2 was the photo competition.
Day 1: #TravelNBlog2 Workshop

Having said that, we don't claim to be the best in the category, but we wanted to share what we could. So it was flattering that 15 bloggers came to the workshop to hear what we had to say. Some of them were from Bandung, some from Tangerang, some from Jakarta. That is just awesome! We thank these bloggers so much for showing up!
Day 2: Photo & Share Competition
Utilizing a photo-based social media, Google+ (or G+ for short), we held a photo competition with the theme: #BandungToday. Simply because Bandung heritage theme is getting old and has been used here there and everywhere. It's time to move on! Let's look at the face of Bandung today!
Because the starting point was very close to Dago and it was on Sunday morning, the photos submitted were mostly taken at the Car Free Day area on Juanda street (Dago). You can check out the photos here on Google+.
The #TravelNBlog2 Gang
- Firsta Yunida; discoveryourindonesia.com / @discoverurindo / +Firsta Yunida
- Lucia Nancy, a blogger turned social media strategist; lucianancy.com / @lucianancy / +lucia nancy
Guest Speaker, a travel blogger who's lately more focused on his businesses, residing in Bandung:
Supported by:
- Google+ ; big big support!
A collage by Ibu Penyu
Picture by.. I forgot whom :P
Watch out for more #TravelNBlog and hopefully in other cities across Indonesia!
Um..wait, where do you think we should hold another #TravelNBlog?
Jogja, Makassar, Medan, Mataram, Surabaya, or..where?
For a more complete version of #TravelNBlog2 "report" you can go here. Or to the other blogs that belong to Firsta here, Vindhya here, or Wira here.
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